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Project information

  • Category:React Stack Project

Swiggy Clone Application

Project Link

Creating a Swiggy clone application incorporating live APIs and Realtime technologies, with the aim of gaining practical experience and deepening understanding of development concepts. Key features include:

  • API's: Implemented asynchronous function methodology to Fetch real-time APIs from the Swiggy website and dynamically displayed restaurants as a list of cards with changing pictures and details underneath dynamically.
  • Lazy Loading: Incorporated lazy loading,optimizing the applications buffertime by up to 4000 milliseconds and improving efficiency.
  • Custom Hooks: Implemented custom hooks to transform components into with single responsibilities component, consequently improving code maintainability and understandability.
  • Higher-Order Components: Utilizing higher-order components helps to avoid prop drilling and enhances code reusability.
  • Hooks: project incorporates the following hooks: useState, useEffect, useDispatch, and useSelector.
  • React Js: I understood and applied Redux with store, actions, reducers, useDispatch, and useSelector from react-redux and @reactjs-toolkit, effectively managing the project's state in a predictable manner.
  • Tailwind Css: successfully implemented Tailwind, significantly enhancing the appearance of the user interface to an extraordinary degree.

Languages: Html, CSS,Tailwind Css, JavaScript, React Js, Redux Js.