Youtube Home Page

Youtube's side Toggle off

Youtube Watch Page

Youtube Watch Page Video Pause

Youtube Watch Page Video Playing

Debouncing Concept for Search Bar

Project information

  • Category:React Stack Project

Mirror YouTube Application(React)

Project Link

Developing a user-friendly video streaming platform with advanced search functionality. I autonomously engineered the entire website

  • Google's Open-Source API: I took advantage of Google's open-source API to retrieve YouTube data asynchronously, subsequently incorporating it to dynamically populate content on my website's homepage.
  • Conditional Rendering: I improved the application by implementing conditional rendering to specify the display of the video only when it is available.
  • Single Responsibility Principle: I applied the single responsibility principle to ensure that each component serves a singular purpose, thereby enhancing code reusability and maintainability.
  • Custom Hooks: I utilized the concept of custom hooks to develop tailored React hooks, enabling consistent functionality across multiple sections of the codebase and promoting reusability.
  • Debouncing: Debouncing was implemented to regulate the frequency of API calls, thereby enhancing the efficiency of the application by ensuring optimal usage of resources.

Languages: Html, CSS,Tailwind Css, JavaScript, React Js, Redux Js.